Friday, December 25, 2009

Wondering What God's Will Is?

Wonder no more. Proceed directly to John 15.12, Love one another. Voila! You have God's will for you. Sure it isn't all of God's will and it doesn't necessarily tell you the direction that you're supposed to take, but my point is that, sometimes God's will for you is very clear. In this case, Christ doesn't speak in parables. He doesn't hide what he means in a veil of obscure reference or a story. He simply tells us. My will for you is that you love one another. I like it when Christ is simple and straightforward...probably because that's the way I am.

Adam Clarke, in his commentary on this verse, tells an interesting story about the apostle John who wrote it:

So deeply was thus commandment engraved on the heart of this evangelist that St. Jerome says, lib. iii. c. 6, Com. ad Galat., that in his extreme old age, when he used to be carried to the public assemblies of the believers, his constant saying was, Little children, love one another. His disciples, wearied at last with the constant repetition of the same words, asked him, Why he constantly said the same thing? “Because (said he) it is the commandment of the Lord, and the observation of it alone is sufficient.” Quia praeceptum Domini est, et, si solum fiat, sufficit.

1 comment:

chermurf said...

Preach it!! Finish this sermon and let it rip. When you don't know the specifics of God's will in a certain area, busy yourself with His known will... love others! They will know we are Christians by our love; not church attendance, theology in a row, stress free life, etc. Love.