Paul to the gathered Athenians at the Aeropagus in Athens. How beautifully The Message captures the irony of the moment. Paul is informing them about the God-you-don't-know after seeing a shrine to "The Unknown God." "What you boys worship in ignorance, I will explain to you," said Paul.
I love Paul's conclusion here. "How much sense can it make, if God created everything [that means YOU, oh polytheistic Athenians!], that you go on chiseling gods out of stone and calling them gods?"
Are we "modern" people any different? We don't worship gods of stone, but we worship silly gods, inferior gods, useless gods, all the same. I just read yesterday a short advertisement where Brad Pitt, erstwhile movie star, talks about "religion."

Do you see what he is saying here? God is not God. I am God. Me. Brad Pitt. "I had faith that I'm capable enough to handle any situation." Let me think here. Did Mr. Pitt create himself? Did he give himself his own talent. Did he put him in a place in which his talents could be used (imagine if Mr. Pitt had been born in India or Pakistan)?
Modern man is, by and large, just like Brad Pitt. They do not worship gods of stone any more. They worship themselves. At least ancient men were smart enough not to worship themselves.
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