Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Most Extraordinary Statement

Paul makes a most extraordinary statement about those who were responsible for crucifying Christ in Acts. 13.27. He is preaching in a synagogue in Antioch Pisidia to an audience of Jews and he says because those who dwell in Jerusalem and their leaders did not know him (Christ) or the prophets—which, oh by the way are read in the synagogue EVERY SABBATH DAY, those very same people FULFILLED the prophecies of the prophets by condemning Christ!

Amazingly blunt statement by Paul here (which, knowing what we know about Paul comes as no surprise). How condemnatory is it that those who crucified Christ certainly could have heard the words of the prophets every sabbath day and yet missed the fact that the Messiah had arrived. Of course what is worse, they were now responsible for killing the Messiah and thereby fulfilling the prophecies of the very same prophets that they were hearing every sabbath!

One of the things that I take from this is that we ought to read/hear the Scriptures with understanding. It is not enough to simply read them or simply hear them, if we do not understand them and apply them to our lives, then we might end up like those who were responsible for putting Christ to death.

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