Monday, November 23, 2009

Most Unusual Place for a Prayer of Thanksgiving

My vote goes to Jonah while in the belly of a great fish. He has almost drowned, and now he sits—miraculously—in the belly of a fish, presumably not knowing what will happen next, but he is thanking the Lord! One wonders at this point where he thought that he would end up, having gone from really bad, to at least alive, but still pretty bad.

It is a remarkable prayer of faith since Jonah was alive, but not knowing what would happen next. Had the Lord saved him from the deep only to have him rot in the belly of the fish? Jonah wasn't concentrating on that, he was concentrating on the Lord's immediate salvation.

John Calvin: But in this state of despair Jonah even gathered courage, and was able to retake himself directly to God. It was a wonderful and almost incredible example of faith. Let us then learn to weigh well what is here said; for when the Lord heavily afflicts us, it is then a legitimate and seasonable time for prayer.

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