Monday, August 24, 2009

Wicked = Sorrow; Righteous = Surrounded

From Psalms 32.10 this morning, where David contrasts the wicked with those who trust in the Lord. The wicked will have many sorrows, or, as Charles Spurgeon put it: He who sows sin will reap sorrow in heavy sheaves. How empirically true this is. It doesn't matter what their station in life is, or how much money they have, or how well they appear to be doing, their sorrows are many.

Those who trust in the Lord, on the other hand, are surrounded, by God's steadfast love. Spurgeon again works out what that means quite well: Faith in God is the great charmer of life’s cares, and he who possesses it, dwells in an atmosphere of grace, surrounded with the bodyguard of mercies. May it be given to us of the Lord at all times to believe in the mercy of God, even when we cannot see traces of its working, for to the believer, mercy is as all surrounding as omniscience, and every thought and act of God is perfumed with it.

May we believe in the mercy of God, even when we cannot see traces of its working. This is the life of faith.

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