Thursday, September 18, 2008

Financial Disaster and the Christian

We are in a 100 year storm financially. I am not kidding. It only remains to see how bad things will get and it appears that they will get pretty bad. Bad as in Great Depression bad. Storm as in, it will affect the rest of my working life, storm. Words at this point probably cannot do justice to what will come. What is a follower of Christ to do here?

1. Remember that God is in control of all things, everywhere, at all times (Dan 4.34-35).
2. Recall that John Calvin wrote that since God is sovereign we ought to have praise in prosperity, patience in adversity, and hope in the future. So patience in adversity is in order here.
3. Willingly and humbly submit to the situation that God puts us in—Indonesian and Indian believers are losing their houses and even lives right now because they are Christians. Some of us will end up in difficult living/financial situations because of this storm. So be it. God is still God and has promised to provide our needs (not wants or desires, just needs - Phil 4.19).
4. Make wise financial decisions. Conserve cash. Don't take on more debt. If you are going to invest in this environment, either absolutely know what you are doing, or invest to conserve principle (which at this point means pretty much only U. S. Treasuries, a bank savings account (under $100,000), or a CD. Be careful with Money Market Funds.
5. Don't waste your life worrying about your retirement funds (or lack thereof). Pour yourself into ministering to people (to immortal beings as C. S. Lewis put it) Matt 6.33-34.
6. Difficult times offer opportunities to preach the gospel. Look for opportunities!

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